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Industry Talking Points to Combat AB 1000

We are essential to California’s economy and the nation’s supply chain. We are strong community partners, creating career-building jobs and advancing environmental progress. AB 1000 is a job and housing killer that would severely damage our supply chain, slash investments in local communities and strip away local control.

Warehouses are essential.

  • We are vital links in the supply chain, delivering medicine, medical supplies, food, baby formula and other essential goods to businesses and consumers. Without warehouses, the supply chain breaks down.
  • drive one-third of the state’s economy, supporting about one in three jobs, including 1.6 million trade-related positions in Southern California.
  • Our industry provides a broad spectrum of career-building jobs. Major companies such as UPS and Home Depot are investing billions of dollars to create jobs and upskill the workforce in California, including training for advancement to more senior positions. As warehouse and other logistics jobs become more specialized, employees are learning more technical skills and earning higher wages. Reflecting and fueling that trend, a growing number of colleges and universities are offering courses and degrees in logistics.
  • Our industry is vital to meeting rising consumer demand.  Online shopping has grown from eight percent of all U.S. retail purchases a decade ago to 20 percent in 2021. E-commerce revenues are expected to climb from $1 trillion this year to more than $1.5 trillion by 2027.

We are strong community partners.

  • We are long-term investors, and development fees, taxes and other revenues from our projects and operations support public safety and services, local schools, community parks, habitat plans, sidewalks, streetlights, local streets, regional road networks and much more.
  • Before starting a new project, we conduct extensive studies about its impact, providing information communities can use to make knowledgeable decisions.
  • We are creating mixed-use projects in the Inland Empire that include retail, office, food and beverage and affordable housing, in conjunction with logistics components. These projects encourage workers to live nearby, reducing vehicle miles, improving air quality and increasing community income through greater economic activity and tax revenues.  

We are advancing California’s environmental and health-related progress.

  • significantly decreasing, even as the number of logistics facilities increases.
  • We are incorporating more energy-efficient construction materials in our warehouses,  turning their roofs into solar farms, building systems of charging stations for trucks and employing a host of other green technologies.
  • California is far ahead of the rest of the U.S. in adopting a first-in-the-world mandate to begin moving toward all-electric, zero-emission trucks in 2024 and in requiring that half of all heavy trucks sold in the state be all-electric by 2035.
  • The trucking industry is spending almost $1 billion annually to upgrade its equipment to cleaner technologies, including purchasing new engines and installing filters that have virtually eliminated diesel soot and reduced smog-forming emissions by over 90 percent.
  • Since 2010, substantial progress has been made in reducing NOx emissions by heavy duty trucks. And these emissions will be reduced by 90 percent or more once the industry fully phases in new regulations by 2031.

AB 1000 and warehouse moratoriums are job and housing killers.

  • California Assembly Bill 1000 – as well as misguided efforts to impose moratoriums on new warehouses – would strip local governments of the control they currently have over business development in their communities, forcing them to cede power to Sacramento.