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Update and Sample Letters for SCAQMD Indirect Source Rule 2305

On March 2, NAIOP Inland Empire submitted formal comments to the South Coast Air Quality Management District in opposition to Proposed Rule 2305 that would tax and regulate warehouses in Southern California.

NAIOP Inland Empire and SoCal Chapters along with a large coalition are working together in the effort to oppose this proposed regulation. SCAQMD staff asserted the tax on warehouses will improve air quality but a recent study by the respected engineering firm Ramboll calls into serious question the purported emissions reductions. The proposed rule will be considered for approval by the SCAQMD Board of Governors on May 7.

Agenda link

One of our coalition partners, California Trucking Association, has created a grassroots e-mail writing campaign. Please feel free to tell your story and customize the message. Please let the SCAQMD Board know you OPPOSE the rule as it is proposed.


We also recommend that you educate your tenants as they will be greatly impacted by this proposed rule should it be adopted. Sample letters can be downloaded below.

NAIOP letter to SCAQMD March 2, 2021

Coalition Letter to SCAQMD

Sample Tenant Letter

Summary of the ISR Rule

Sample ISR Letter to SCAQMD

Ramboll Letter

CalTax Letter

Cal Tax editorial Press Enterprise