AB 1103 Benchmarking Law – FREE SCEdison Classes
California’s Non-Residential Benchmarking law, AB 1103, is now in effect for buildings 10,000 Sq. Ft. or more when entire building is going to be sold, leased or financed. Southern California Edison is offering free classes to teach customers affected by this law how to benchmark their building using the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager and the requirements to comply with AB 1103. Additionally, the class will cover Web Services where you can authorize SCE to upload your energy usage data electronically into ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager at no cost to you.
Also , learn about recent changes that took place in September that delayed compliance for buildings 5,000-10,000 SF and also that Multi-family buildings can now get 1-100 energy performance score.
Upcoming classes at the Irwindale facility are:
· Wednesday, November 19 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
· Wednesday, December 10 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
If you would like to go directly to SCE Irwindale Energy Education Center web site to sign up, click on this link SCE-Irwindale Benchmarking registration page
Register by phone at 800-336-2822